EJ Caucus Newsletter September 9, 2023


If you can help out, please donate to the EJC. We need to expand our scope and that takes funding. Any donation large or small will help!

Please Donate Here!

All registered Democrats are cordially invited to attend any EJC meeting.

General Membership Meeting

Come to the next Membership Meeting on Monday, September 11 from 7PM to 8PM.

This is going to be a fantastic meeting with Stefi Weisburd from 350NM giving us an informative overview of the ways we can effectively transform our lifestyles to become more electrified. She will share some of the sections of federal legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Action that we can use to save costs as we turn towards a green life. Let's find out how to save some money in doing this and lower our use of oil and gas.

Come ready to ask your questions and to share your concerns as we move our state toward solar/wind/thermal energy sources.

Link to our Membership Meeting is Here!

EJC Executive Meeting

The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, October 2, 2023 at 7PM.

EJC Executive Committee Link Here

EJC Election of Officers Happening Soon

Step up to the plate! Please consider nominating yourself to run for one of the officers of the EJC. We are a friendly, informal group always open for fresh ideas. We will be looking for a new Vice Chair and an at-large officer. We also need a chair for each of the three NM Congressional Districts. Those who joins the Executive Committee has wide latitude to define and develop their office as they see fit. This is a really great way to get to know the environmental justice community in New Mexico and to make a meaningful contribution to combat climate change.

Each officer serves for a two-year term. For more information, get in touch with one of our current officers whose contact information is below:

EJC Soon to Visit Valencia County

We look forward to visiting with the Valencia County Democrats on September 19. Hopefully, we can say hi to some of our Valencia County members - Danny Bernal, JR, Marcos Balido, Laura Garcia, Linda Guenley, Torres Leyba, Summer Ludwig, Ann McCartney, Ward McCartney, Kathy McCord, Sabrina Rael, Jim Sanchez, Juan Sanchez, and Chantel Trujillo.

Many Valencia County Dems are actively working to protect the environment in their area, and we look forward to working with them.

Climate Strike Opposes Upcoming Environmental Conference

While New Mexico touts a surplus from oil & gas, our world is suffering. On Global Climate Strike Day, join YUCCA and the No False Solutions Coalition to challenge the "Advanced Energy Ecosystem New Mexico" summit and demand TRUE climate action.

The Advanced Energy Ecosystem New Mexico summit is aimed at NM legislators, who will be presented with a comprehensive climate plan by oil and gas, nuclear energy, and other corporate players who want to stall NM's turning to solar/wind/thermal and other renewables to supply its energy. For some legislators, this will be one of their only sources of climate information. The EJC heartily endorses this action, and we hope to see you there.


Stand in solidarity with us! Hear from frontline speakers, be inspired by young speakers, poets, artists, and join the fight for a TRUE People's Climate Plan.

More details and our stance on false solutions: NM No False Solutions.

Join the movement for real change and real solutions.

The EJC membership meeting on October 9 will report on this conference and the strike. Be there to gain valuable information to share with your legislators and your neighbors.


East Mountain Water Shortages

A thoughtful letter to the editor of the Independent which covers the East Mountains area is informative about the critical water shortage issue that East Mountain communities face and proposes solutions.

Read the Letter Here

Torrance County's plans to meet East Mountain water needs are outlined in an article in The Independent.

Read Torrance County's Promise of Water on the Way Here

Coming Together for Public Power

The Public Power Project is a collaborative effort to conduct a review of public power efforts from the perspective of campaigners, public officials, staff of existing municipal power utilities, and communities already served by public power. They seek to understand the landscape, identify equity and environmental issues, and zero in on opportunities to advance and improve the work. Alysha Shaw from Public Power NM will be one of the speakers.
Please join them for a two-day conference on September 11 and 12 by registering below.

Upcoming EJ Caucus Meetings

Renewable Energy Working Group


Meetings of this working group are on Zoom every month on the fourth Wednesday at 7PM

Upcoming meeting dates are: Sep 27, Oct 25, Nov 22 and Dec 27.

Join Zoom Meetings Here


On the Transition to Renewable, Clean Energy Economy

Renewable Energy Working Group Meets Wednesday, September 27, 2023



We updated you on the community solar program administered by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission in the Environmental Justice Caucus’s July newsletter. As we explained, the Community Solar Act allows for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, and tribal and local governments to form subscriber organizations to build community solar projects that sell the energy generated to subscribers. Community Solar is an alternative to the predominant system in which investor-owned utilities such as PNM or rural electric cooperatives generate or buy electricity to sell to residential and commercial/industrial customers. Subscriber organizations distribute solar energy through IOU-owned systems. IOUs must give subscribers a community solar bill credit offset for costs of distribution. The CS Act allows renters and others who cannot place solar panels on their own properties to participate in the renewable energy transition and save on electricity, too. See the EJC July newsletter for more background information.


The PRC held a hearing on August 23 on the Stipulation reached between the solar developers and IOUs (PNM, El Paso Electric, and SPS/Excel Energy) in Phase 1 of this regulatory case (No. 23-00071-UT). In this Stipulation, the parties agreed to the form of the agreements between the subscriber organizations and the IOUs. In the negotiations, the IOUs agreed to reduce certain burdens on the subscriber organizations including the scope and frequency of data reporting and facility inspections. These concessions will not compromise the safety or reliability of the community solar program but they will reduce the cost of energy sold to consumers. We are waiting to hear whether the PRC (three governor-appointed commissioners) will approve the Stipulation as consistent with the public interest.


More importantly, the PRC has begun Phase 2 of this case in which it must approve the interconnection agreements and tariffs (rates) for the community solar program. In the next few months, the parties will file testimony. A hearing on Phase 2 issues is scheduled to begin on January 17, 2024. The New Mexico People’s Energy Cooperative (several principals of which belong to the EJC) will continue as intervenors in Phase 2. Please join us for an important discussion on this case at our next Renewable Energy Working Group meeting on Wednesday, September 27, at 7:00 p.m.



The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board is currently conducting a rulemaking on the Health, Environment and Equity Impacts Regulation. Under this proposed rule, the Air Quality Control Board would consider the public health and environmental impacts from air pollution in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County neighborhoods already disproportionately affected by existing polluting facilities before granting new permits. In other words, the Board would be required to consider the cumulative impact of the pollution added by proposed facilities in the permitting process. See Los Jardines Institute’s website for an excellent summary of the rulemaking.

A hearing on this rule will begin the week of October 23.

Visit Los Jardines Institute Here


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